First Post

The purpose of this website is to share with you what I know about achieving success in life.  And with this knowledge, I intend to help make you reflect, improve and grow as a person, spiritually, mentally and physically.  I won’t just give you articles to read, I will also give you ‘action steps’, things you can actually start doing right away to move yourself towards success.

I’ve always been an interpreter.  Whether interpreting one language for another, or explaining to others, what one person is communicating or trying to communicate.  I intend to interpret for you.  I will interpret knowledge from various sources such as, books, workshops, other blogs, and my own experiences.  I’m confident I can have a positive impact in your life.


My definition of achieving success involves the following 4 systems. 


0. What success you should go after and why

1. Defining success

2. How to achieve success

3. What to do after you’ve achieved it. 


I started with the number zero because a lot us often overlook that step, and it’s a very critical step.  Imagine driving from LA to New York, and once you get to New York you realize that’s not where you wanted to go.  You prepared a detailed map of how to get there, you planned it, you invested a lot of time into the planning, you ran the risk of a car accident, you wasted a lot of gas, and finally you get there and BAM! Out of nowhere, like a freight train, it hits you and you ask yourself what the heck you’re doing in New York, that’s not where you wanted to go!  You thought you had the vision right but it doesn’t fit.  You did set and achieve the goal, but was it the right one?  You could have avoided that long trip if you had explored your thoughts and thought process first.

Another great example of not exploring step zero is the case of some college students.  A lot of college students often study majors they were persuaded to study by their circle of influence.  Their parents studied that subject so they feel that’s what they should study, or they look up how much money is made with a certain major and base their decisions off of that.  And what happens? They either graduate on time and get jobs that have to do with their major but end up hating their jobs, despising to get up in the morning and get to that awful job.  Another common case is that they study something for a few years and then switch to something else, so they end up spending years and years taking class after class wasting time and money.

We often start the journey of achieving other people’s goals, or goals that are expected of us by other people, or we’ll just flat out set the wrong goals for what we’re trying to achieve. Below is yet another perfect example.

What do you usually do at the beginning of the year?  Do you have any goals you are trying to achieve now? Think about them, are they goals that have sprung from deep within you? Are these goals influenced by what other people say about you?  Will achieving that goal actually solve the root, the core, the heart of the problem? Or will achieving this goal just cure a symptom of the main problem?

One perfect example is the typical new year’s resolution, which is to loose weight.  Why do you want to loose weight? Is it because you get teased by your family or peers? Is it because you want to compete with someone that seems to always be showing off  their weight? Is it because you are trying to attract somebody? Is this the goal you should really be after?  Is being overweight the actual problem? Or is it the symptom of a larger problem?  What typically happens with this goal is that it doesn’t get achieved, or it gets achieved and then un-achieved.  The gym I go to always has very high attendance in January and then it starts diminishing by March.  The main reason for failure with this resolution is that we start wrong on step zero, we do it for the wrong reasons, and this is part of a much bigger picture.  It’s only one component out of many; that we need to focus on.

To reach this typical resolution you need to, first of all, stop calling it a “new year’s resolution”.  What comes to mind when you hear those words? To me, the first thing that comes to mind is, “I’m gonna start this thing and quit in a few months.” You need to call it something else.  Try calling it “The January Achievable Goal.”

You need to think about what problem you’re trying to solve or cure.  Is being over-weight the core problem? No it’s not.  Being over-weight is a symptom of being un-healthy and it’s not the only symptom.  There are countless others.  There are plenty of “skinny” people that are un-healthier than over-weight people.  The core problem is our lifestyle, our culture, our habits.  We need to make our primary goal to be healthy.  Being in a normal weight is a symptom of being healthy.

One also needs to ask why we want to do this.  We need to focus inward for this part.  Don’t focus on external factors like what other people think, or on that image in the mirror.  Focus inside yourself; ask yourself, “Why do I want to be healthy?”

Next define what success will be, literally.  Write down numbers.  Staying with the same goal of getting healthier, healthier can be defined by many numbers. Numbers like your blood pressure, your cholesterol, your BMI (body mass index, the ratio of your weight to height), body fat percentage, how fast you can run a mile, and many others.  So if your blood pressure is really high you need to be specific and write down what your target blood pressure is. And the same goes for the other numbers

Number two, how do you become a healthy person? Now this is a topic that requires an encyclopedia to explain, however, the first step should be to educate ourselves on the subject of nutrition.  Are humans herbivores, or carnivores, or omnivores? What should each respective type eat to be healthy? What is a herbivore? A carnivore? An omnivore? How does our digestive system work?  I will definitely be writing more about this in the near future.

Number four, definitely important as well, what do you do once you get there?

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