
The First Post

The very first post I wrote with this website in mind.  What is success? What goals are you following? Should you be following those goals? What if your goal was to get to New York, and you achieve it; meaning you’ve succeeded, but once you get there you really don’t like it. This post will help you examine if you should really be following your current goals.

Step Zero

You’ve heard of steps 1, 2, 3 and on and on.  Have you heard of Step Zero?  We often skip it, or over look it. However it’s very important.

 The Highest Goal

The path of life is full of doors that we need to open in order to move on.  Getting all those keys can be difficult, Why not just get the master key, the one that opens all locks and all doors?

 How’s Your Life?

Has everything in your life gone according to plan?  Do you have a plan?

How To Find What You Are Looking For

Have you noticed how you usually find what you’re looking for once you say it out loud?

Our Hypocrisy

It’s not what you think.  We are always putting out contradicting vibes out there, and sometimes that keeps us just where we’re at.

Positive Things Osmosis

Did you ever see that picture with the Garfield character with a bunch of books strapped to his body, and the caption reads, “I’m learning by Osmosis.”

Sticks And Stones AND Words

Sticks and stones can break bones, but words can do much worse.  But the reverse is also true.  The word is powerful, use it to your advantage.

 Why Do We Wallow?

We just lovvvve to wallow in our misery sometimes.  Why do we do that?

 How To Keep A New Year’s Resolution Using Watermelons!

It’s true, you can use watermelons to help with your New Year’s Resolution. Check it out!

 Top Ten Ways To Meditate

There are a lot of misconceptions about meditation, it’s benefits, and the methods.  Find out all you need to do with this easy guide.

 Change: From The Inside Out or From The Outside In?

Can you actually change improve yourself with a simple body posture?


7 Exercises To Help You Find Your Purpose

It is said that you’re much more likely to regret things you didn’t do than things you did do.  Don’t let time pass you by as you sit idly by drifting with the current.  Take charge and direct your life where you INTENTIONALLY want it to go. Find your purpose.



Is a lot of money the key to happiness? Does happiness come after success or can it come before success? Is there a difference between pleasure and happiness?  Is it possible to actually make oneself happy for a long time intentionally? Find out on this article.

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